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All You Need To Know About Using Wordpress

Are you intimidated by wordpress? Are you overwhelmed trying to figure out all of the different aspects of the site? If so, you are in luck. This article has some information to help you get started. Once you have read it, wordpress should be de-mystified for you. Then, you can start improving your site.

If you plan to use Wordpress for your site, you should only do so if you plan to have a responsive design. People access websites from all types of devices, and you want to make sure that any person who wants to view your site will be able to without any issues.

Check out add-ons to find simple tools which will make your site or blog better. For example, you could add a calendar to your side menu bar in order to share events which would be interesting to your readers. You can also find many great add-ons which provide control for advertising, turning your site into a revenue maker.

Allow all of the users that visit your site the ability to comment using Facebook. This is a very important tool that will get your name across to hundreds of thousands of people. The Simple Facebook Connect plugin can be used if you want to install this feature on your site.

It is simple to add video to a site created with WordPress. Although you may have to put in a little more time, you will get rewarded for your effort in the end. Many internet users enjoy visuals. A video can show them things that the written word just can't convey, and as a result, it can be a very powerful tool.

Download Akismet immediately with a fresh WordPress install. Akismet is a plugin for WordPress that basically blocks spam comments as they come in. If you don't have it installed, you may be inundated with tons of spam. You'll need to get a free key from the Akismet website to finalize the install.

Make sure that all of the information on your site is current. This is very important as viewers will tend to veer away from your site if it is outdated or pointing out very old information. Spend time each week getting rid of the antiquated material on your website to improve how it looks.

So, what is the difference between tags and categories and why should I care? Categories are broad and house many posts which fall into the same genre, such as "cleaning tips". Tags are more targeted, detailed words which describe what is in the content of a post, such as "removing blood stains" or "getting out grass stains".

Keep close track of visitors to your blog. This is the only way you will be able to improve it to please your reader more. Free WordPress bloggers can use Jetpack stats to do this. Both free and paid bloggers can use Google Analytics. Be sure to make good use of both services if you can because they offer slightly different advantages.

If you want to improve traffic to your own domain, you should host your Wordpress blog in your web account instead of using as the host. When you install Wordpress yourself, you have more control over what features you can install and customize. Any visitor will be counted as traffic in your domain and not in's domain.

If you upload changes to your Wordpress site, but they don't appear to have taken effect, try to refresh from a clear cache. Hold shift as you click the reload icon in your browser, or hold shift-ctrl-r at the same time. This will give you a clean version of your site which should be updated.

Make sure that you keep any plugins or themes you are using on your blog up to date. Exploits and general weaknesses in the security of a plugin or theme are almost always found eventually. Updates will keep them running smoothly and securely, but it's important that you remember to keep them updated.

If your have opened up your Wordpress blog for comments, be sure to monitor and moderate the comments. You do not want any inappropriate comments to appear on your blog that can be offensive to your readers. When you moderate incoming comments, you can delete spam and anything that you do not want to display to your readers.

Differentiate the look of your WordPress blog. It may be tempting to just roll with the standard WordPress themes, but you'll look like many other blogs out there. Consider a few other themes. Even install them so that you can preview them with your current crop of content. It can make all the difference to audience engagement.

When you have a question about how to create something in Wordpress, consider visiting one of the many user forums that have been set up on the web. These online communities are often created by Wordpress experts who just want to bring together people with a similar goal. When you post a question, it is not uncommon that you will get several very helpful responses.

Use the Easy Tweet Embed program to create links for readers to tweet the content of your posts to their followers. It Backlinking Software does the work of creating the tweet content for you, so you don't have to manually create it every time you draft a post, saving you a ton of time.

A great commenting plugin that is useful for WordPress is Disqus. This free commenting system works well with its API. You have the ability to import and back up your comments with it. It also adds essential SEO to your comments so that the search engines can index them easier.

Learn how to make your WordPress blog posts more SEO-friendly. There is a free plugin called Yoast that can do this for you. It does auto checks of your pages' SEO, canonical, breadcrumbs, sitemaps, permalink, and more. Using the data that it provides, it teaches you how to optimize your blog posts properly.

Make sure your WordPress site has a great theme. A theme can actually make or break or your site when it comes to attracting or repelling visitors. There are many great free themes out there. You can also find affordable premium themes. Just make sure your themes don't have a ton of messy code that makes loading too slow or that isn't compatible with Wordpress's current versions.

There is little doubt about the utility that so many bloggers feel is offered by Wordpress. To really get terrific results when using the platform, keep the information and advice found above close at hand. Doing so will ensure that the end result of Wordpress use is valuable, appealing and seen by large numbers of web visitors.