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Solid Advice For Improving Your Wordpress Skills

WordPress can be a very hard platform to use to publish your blog posts if you don't understand how to use it properly. Many people assume it is easy to use, but it can easily become complicated. Everything you do with WordPress can affect your blog posts, which is why it's important you keep reading for some useful tips below.

Make your theme current on your website to draw more traffic. Switch to a new theme that accentuates your colors and logos. Also, you may want to opt for a more professioanl theme if you are planning on showing your site off to a high volume of potential customers each day.

If you are new to WordPress, make sure to keep your sidebar simple. Make sure that it only has the essentials. Your visitors shouldn't have to weed through a ton of ads and banners to find the links they want to click on. Try removing the items in Appearance & Widgets that don't contribute anything to your cause or business.

Do not let your theme get stale. The first thing you should do if you notice a decrease in traffic is check and see when you last changed your theme. As your site grows and changes, the theme should as well. Make sure that it accurately reflects your brand, and you should see a rise in traffic.

You can insert media into your posts just by pasting the URL where you'd like the media to appear. For example, paste in a Backlink Commando Review YouTube video just by putting the URL within the text where you want the video to play. Be sure that the URL doesn't turn blue - if it does, highlight it and click the unlink button.

Work on creating a better greeting for the top of your WordPress website. Not only does this personalize your website, it welcomes guests based on how they found your blog. This males you appear less robotic and you can use the Great Box plugin for this.

Most templates come with a landing page built in, so make use of it. This stripped down page allows you to focus their intention on exactly what you want them to look at, be it a sign-up form or a "Buy Now" link. This ensures they take the actions you want them to.

Regularly check your site and content. All your plugins and everything else you work with needs to be current. This will help ensure that your visitors have a seamless experience on your site. If you have trouble remembering to do this, consider setting your phone to alert you once a month to perform this task.

Constantly work on improving your permalinks. As WordPress becomes more popular, your traffic may decline. Change the URLs of your WordPress articles and incorporate higher quality keywords. You can minimize the amount of keywords as long as their value increases. This can be a nice boost to the traffic you see.

You can insert media into your posts just by pasting the URL where you'd like the media to appear. For example, paste in a YouTube video just by putting the URL within the text where you want the video to play. Be sure that the URL doesn't turn blue - if it does, highlight it and click the unlink button.

Always keep your library of media organized. While putting a bunch of pictures right into the library might seem the way to go at first, that turns messy before you know it. Make a folder structure before uploading, and put the pictures into each correct folder. This makes it easier later on if you'd like to reuse images.

To keep tabs on comments, you don't need to visit each post separately. Instead, use your dashboard's comments section to see what has been posted recently. You should check this page daily so that you know what people are saying and can reply if anyone requests more information or asks a question.

Be sure to use a robust spam plug-in to filter out spam and bad content. People with ill-intentions are always looking for ways to spam a blog for link building purposes. This kind of spam will create a bad impression on your blog because your legitimate readers will think that your blog has security issues.

Want to create a new link in your post? There is no need to click the link icon any longer. Use ctrl-shift-A instead to start the link creation process using the keyboard and not the mouse. When you create many links within your content, this can shave time off the creation process.

You no longer have to approve or disapprove comments manually. Akismet does it for you. Make sure that "manual approval" does not have a check mark beside it so that the comments go up automatically. This will end up saving you quite a lot of time.

Make use of the footer section of your site. Many blogger neglect this area, especially beginners. Put information about yourself in this area, links to any of your other websites and links to important pages in your blog. It is important to make use of any area in your blog.

Make good use of images when you blog. A picture's worth a thousand words. Your site is going to have even more drama with photos. Be sure you use alternate text and title tags to explain your pictures so that the search engines and readers know what your picture is about.

When linking internally, you don't have to enter your domain name into the URL field. Instead, just include the information which comes after the first /, such as /index.html. Don't forget to also insert an SEO keyword-rich title so that you can get even more bang for your search rank.

If your imagery on your WordPress website is rather bulky and slowing your site down, try using WP Smush.It. It basically compresses all of those images down to much easier sizes for browsers to deal with. It can speed up your website quite a bit. The best part is, it can run in the background once you have it installed. So new images are always smushed!

You'll get used to WordPress after a week or so. Use these tips to get all you need from WordPress. Soon enough you'll be running a professional blog and you will be able to spend more time on writing and getting readers.